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Borguitar Festival

Bedonia (PR) 14th - 21st July 2024


BorGuitar Festival 2024 edition is confirmed.

During this week there will be concerts, seminars and events with important musicians on the International Scene.

Appropriate policies and practices will be implemented to guarantee participants' safety 





Masterclass July, 14th - 21st

This masterclass’ aim is to study and deepen the solo and chamber repertoire for guitar. There is no specific age limit to participate for Italian and foreign guitarists as well. There will be individual lessons, laboratories and seminars.



Music campus July, 15th - 21st

Along with the Masterclass there will be a music campus for teenagers from musical high school with individual lessons, technical lessons a chamber music lab and seminars.



 Registration fees



Individual registration fee:  € 90

Active participants fee:  € 260

(if registered by 10th of June)

€ 310 if registered after 10th of June

This fee includes technical lessons, the chamber music lab, five individual lessons with Masterclass teachers, free entry to concerts and seminars. Best students could be asked to play in evening concerts.

Auditors fee:  € 50

Campus Plus

Individual registration fee:  € 90

Active participants fee:  € 220

(if registered by 10th of June)

€ 270 if registered after 10th of June

This fee includes technical lessons, the chamber music lab, six individual lessons, concerts' and seminars' free entry. Three out of six individual lessons will be with Masterclass teachers.

Music campus

Individual registration fee:  € 90

Active participants fee:  € 190

(if registered by 10th of June)

€ 240 if registered after 10th of June)

This fee includes technical lessons, the chamber music lab, four individual lessons with campus teachers, a lesson with a Masterclass teacher, free entry to concerts and seminars.

Chamber music

Groups with at least one participant in Masterclass or Music campus:

Individual registration fee: € 50 per participant

Group fee: € 150

This fee includes technical lessons, the chamber music lab, three lessons with Masterclass teachers, free entry to concerts and seminars.

Other groups:

Individual registration fee: € 90 per participant

Group fee: € 290

This fee includes technical lessons, the chamber music lab, five lessons with Masterclass teachers, free entry to concerts and seminars.


BorGuitar Festival Campus will start on July 15th, 2024. Masterclass will start on July 14th, 2024

Please, check-in at Seminario Bedonia by 1 p.m.

The final concerts will be taking place on Saturday 20th and Sunday 21st.

The festival will end on July 21st, 2024 at 7 p.m

The schedule will be available at the beginning of the course.

To apply please download, fill in the registration form and send it by mail to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

Enclose payment receipt of individual registration fee to be paid by bank transfer
(IBAN IT15 Y076 0112 7000 0102 2893 356 - BIC/SWIFT BPPIITRRXXX)


Registration by June 21st, 2024




Students will have the chance to stay, at their request, in the Seminario of Bedonia. Full board per night:

multiple room -  € 42

double room -   € 50

We will provide you with bed sheets and towels. You could bring your own towels and linens, too.



Luthier Exhibition


Luthier Exhibition will be taking place during the Festival

Luthier will have rooms to exhibit their instrument and to let students to test them.

Only one ore two Luthiers will be participating per day

Registration fees:  € 50 to be paid by bank transfer or by cash



How to reach Bedonia

Bedonia (PR) is 45 km from the Borgotaro exit on the A15 highway Parma-La Spezia and 65 Km from the Lavagna exit on the A12 highway Genova-La Spezia-Livorno

The nearest train station - Borgo Val di Taro - is on the line connecting Parma, Santo Stefano di Magra (SP) and La Spezia, and it is easily reachable from Turin, Milan, Bologna, Genova and Florence. 

Closest airports are: Bologna, Milan, Genova and Pisa.


Enquiries and registration:

Global Art Service Soc. Coop a.r.l Onlus

Via La Spezia, 177 – 43126 PARMA

Tel e Fax: +39 0521.989315

Maurizio Baudino

+39 347.1296967

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Scuola di Musica

Cooperativa GAS
V. La Spezia, 177 - 43126 - PARMA
P.I. - C.F. 02120360348